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Sunday, May 29, 2011

If you are looking for, he would deal to supply its needs.

If you want to experience a better life.
Not depend on luck or fate, but the decisions we make.
Our decisions can generate a glow ever seen, take us to accomplish more than you want.

Jesus left the recipe on how to proceed to make these better days:
"Do not worry about your life, you will eat or that you will eat or what ye shall drink, nor about your body, you will wear (...) Behold the fowls of heaven, they neither sow nor reap nor gather in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are ye not much better than they? (...) Do not worry (...) for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things (...) But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things shall be added. "(Matthew 6:25-33 )

The will of God, or make you a new person.
Talking about the desire, Jesus tried to show the danger to worry, because our concerns only bring more problems. What change or improvement when you worry?
The only thing that changes is the emergence of diseases caused by anxiety or anxiety, feelings harmful, etc., Things to anything beneficial.
Worrying solves nothing worse and
There are distressed wives, mothers worried about their children, despair because of the debts .... Anyway .... but Jesus said, "And which of you, however much they fret, add to his stature one cubit?" (Matthew 6:27).

If you want to be a better person, follow Jesus' advice: look to please God, take care of it and get to know more and more like follow the counsels of God. By doing so, He will meet your needs without you having to be asking every day for it.
Jesus knows your wishes ...
Maybe then ask, "If he already knows them, why not give them to me?"Because the person still does not do what God asks.
In God's rules, they receive only one who gives, who sincerely seeks to obey.
Never worry about, worry about pleasing God and He will take care of you.

"His love for us is more abundant, when he remembers the obedience of you, how you received him with fear and trembling."
2 Corinthians 7:15

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Warranty seal

Nothing is more important than the guarantee of eternal salvation of the soul.

Jesus says: "What is the advantage of winning the whole world and lose your soul?"
It is impossible to achieve and maintain without the effective participation of the Holy Spirit. He alone is able to teach, guide, strengthen, sustain and keep the followers of His Son on the Road.
Every branch that bears no fruit is cut. Remains only in the tree branch that bears fruit. The Holy Spirit, for us, is like the sap that gives us life. Without sap the branch is dry. Without Him, not eternal life.
I've seen many people being cured of various diseases, free from all kinds of evil spirits, conquer a stable economic life, in short, achieve wonders for the faith and, then, leave. Unfortunately, most forget that if the faith is achieved, the question is lost. Faith needs maintenance.
People away from God loaded the problems on their heads, are oppressed, living based tranquilizers, antidepressants, drugs and no peace in their homes. Who has the Holy Spirit of God also goes through problems, the difference is that these problems are not over their heads, but under his feet under control.

Only those who are sealed by the Holy Spirit stands, they only true "called and chosen" that the Bible is concerned. God has "called" to many, but few are "chosen".
"Divine Injustice? No. Just as the soul's salvation is offered to everyone, including all was the baptism in the Holy Spirit.
The problem is that not everyone is willing to sacrifice his own life. What can you do?
All right material handling needs. The same goes for the greatest good spiritual salvation of the soul.
The Holy Spirit is the flame that keeps the faith off, he is the seal of eternal life.

"And if any man have not the Spirit of Christ is not Him"
Romans 8:9

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Before leaving ...

Try, but just did not give more. Tired, confused, tired, feeling hatred for everything.
Until this tired of yourself, to have that mess in your head.
Listen thousand words, you see people smiling. Still, can not but feel confused, like screaming or silent ... to disappear, to hear anything, can not explain more, stop time and the world to try to understand. Do not know what to do here, why you, why do so.
Before putting the final point, read this text, then let it die or let their dreams die will not end his pain.

What drove him?
It could have been the one who believed the love of his life, he could have been the deal with both the indifference and contempt, and perhaps made him feel like a (a) failed (a), maybe it's just the hope that "other" better.
It really is that all?
The Bible says no, that whoever gives up and kills their dreams, is confined to failure, who kills his own body, expect an eternity of suffering even worse. So how come out?

When he shed his first tear for the lost love, he was there. When he cried with anger by being deprived of that desire, he was there. When all acted with indifference or contempt towards you, he was there. When they yelled "you can not," He was there.

He goes beyond being a simple feeling or anesthesia, as it not only relieves pain, is there near you, trying to listen to him even now, to offer healing the wound.
You think he forgot, but it is not.

Did you see the sunrise today?
He did it for you. Although it was the only person in the world, as it would for you. Is God and the Bible leave a message that says:
"If from there you seek the Lord your God, find him, if thou seek him with all your heart and with all thy soul. When they were in distress and you all these things, if thou turn the last days the Lord your God is gracious the Lord your God will not leave you nor destroy you nor forget ... (Deuteronomy 4:29-31) " .
Take the opportunity to rely on that are not really blind.
Now no matter whether or not it merits. Do not put the final point, do not give up their dreams, do not quit your life. Do not kill your body, but not murder their illusions. Did he not care about God?, Then know that its end can be sweeter than a fairytale, because God exists and it was He who sent you this text.

Live life, live it with Him He is the real God who is looking for but you had not heard. If you do find that this is the beginning, you learn it is to be happy.

made ​​us for Himself,and our hearts are restless until they rest in Him"

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Living dead

One dies when you stop dreaming, the rest is due to: fatigue, complacency or even want to leave this life.
If you feel sick of everything, hopefully, for long, slow breath and open your heart. This is for you:

Much has been said that we came to suffer, that Jesus left to suffer the example and purifies us, but that is a lie.
What loving father would act like that?, before he would suffer pain in order to prevent their children, and God did just that.
God is not cold, lifeless, distant.
Many lies have been said of him I assure you that God repeatedly and try to say something, but you did not notice.
Lift your eyes for a moment: everything good and beautiful for you and did not plan his life was bitter.
Have you ever said, "if you exist, show me, answer me?".

Jesus does not want your life to end badly, love you like that you listened to "make live life. "

Why are you downcast, O my soul, and why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God ... "
Luke 11:36

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Perhaps it all. But what the most valuable?

Cars, houses, trips, has everything you can imagine, even in the loving aspect is doing well, has made a beautiful family.
In other words, a prosperous person. Do you think it necessary to look to God that you have everything you want?
It is true that he has achieved everything she wanted, but nothing guarantees that they will ever have.
Do not misunderstand, no one will want to misfortunes, but you know life has its setbacks.
How to fight when things do not go as expected?
If you have a powerful ally as God, will always forward.
Also given a greater gift: eternal salvation, which refers to access to eternal rest.
In the Holy Scriptures repeatedly reiterates that those who follow God not only have full here, also inherit salvation.
Have you contemplate where your soul go when his earthly life?
If until now has led a full life Why not after?

Dear reader. Never too late to seek God, for He will supply, security and safety. "
Beloved I pray that you may prosper in all things and be healthy as well as your soul prospers. " (3 John 1:2)

"The eternal God is thy refuge, forever holding you in his arms ..."
Deuteronomy 33:27

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

What happens when she finishes her cry?

When emotions are intense, so intense that the lips do not know how to pronounce what is experienced by the soul, it just comes crying. In these moments it seems incredible how much you can feel without going crazy. For sadness, love, joy, anger, indignation, shame, disappointment, gratitude ... a thousand and one reasons why a tear is shed. Release should mourn, but not always.
"And suddenly I feel sad, so sad as I had never been (...) Then I ask if I was not good enough or that I did to deserve it (...)I get angry even with the world that follows his life as if nothing (...)Wanted to disappear or may not have existed, but feel, stop everything to calm down. "She teaches a text written by a woman going through a difficult time.
In general, these thoughts have crossed everyone's mind at least once in their life.An Internet portal in the UK called Null Hypothesis, dedicated to science, explains why the crying.Indicates that there are three types of tears, with different composition. When emotions are the cause, consisting of hormones, including leucine enkeplahlin (a natural painkiller).Researchers believe that the substances expelled by the eyes are toxins emitted by the body to experience certain feelings. By releasing them, produce a sense of numbing and welfare. But, for various reasons, while some feel relief after a period of crying, others simply continue to feel anxiety and weaker every day.
Some people cry on the shoulder of a relative or friend, others are confident his pillow, some try to drink their tears or dry before heading to her cheeks.
It depends on where they are tears if you feel relief or not.In a prayer to God, King David said: "My escapes have told you, put my tears into Your bottle; Are not they in your book?" (Psalm 56:8).When he cried, seeking God through prayers to unburden himself, he knew well his tears would not fall to the ground.
Some people cry more than others, but mourn no cause for shame, if we seek to learn from the circumstances and lift his head.King David known to the general rule that formed, their power and wealth, had the secret: when I was weak, had recourse to God and that faith to get relief soon, for only God knows how to heal the soul.Jesus Christ did not promise that we would not a hard time, just make sure to stay with us.A parent can not avoid a scratch on his son, but you can take in his arms, load and try to give comfort, that's what God will do for you if you choose his arms to voice their emotions.

When all forsake you, God is with you.
Mahatma Gandhi

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Congratulations to all Moms!!
It not only has to be celebrated one day having a mother, but daily throughout life, they have been around 365 days every year of our life and have cared for us like no one else would, sometimes a bit difficult to understand, but if anything we should never forget is his immense love for us, sometimes we say q do not understand us, but know something, there are always two sides of the coin and we always see only our side, without taking into account the other side of the coin would be the side of it.
You have to love them and love them as they are because they have accepted us as we are. Do not look their faults but their virtues, they deserve our respect and love.

They are the most wonderful thing we have and we thank God for having it, because we are very fortunate that there are many who do not, and so this day every other year CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!
...::. Just because someone did not love you like you want, does not mean that I loved with all his being :::...

You're the most beautiful creation of God
Your love, of all loves,
It is the most pure and beautiful,
Nobody gets to be so fragile
At the same time as strong as you.

The same tears you cry for pain,
Spreads over joy.

You are, certainly,
The masterpiece of creation.


God is so confident in you
I trusted his child,
It is the love that was given to you
It was not given to anyone else.

And that's why so many other things
Thank you and wish you:

Congratulations on your day !!!!!

That nothing prevents

Throughout the Bible we have records showing various sacrifices to God for his people.
Thus in the past and is similar in the present day. The sacrifice appears as the condition imposed by God to bless someone, because only the sacrifice embodies the faith.
But not all people understand this.
In 1 Corinthians 2:14, the apostle Paul said, "the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he can not understand (...)"
Hence many see as folly to strive to attract the attention of God, because they try to rationalize it, instead of continuing education and understand God through faith.
Pedro was the case, then when Jesus said he would give his life for us, try to avoid Peter. The words of doubt and fear that the apostle utter, were inspired by Satan, Jesus Christ himself said (see Matthew 16:21-28)
Evil knows who is working with faith, receive God's blessing, so try to avoid it.

"He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be their God, and he shall be my son"

Revelation 21:7

Must be different

When God freed the Hebrew people in the domain of the Egyptians, his intention was not only release, was also to make known His name and His power everywhere, because even before that event, God was known as the God of an enslaved people, one just like many others, not as the sovereign. He saw the release of Israel the opportunity to be known as the Almighty.
Today is the same, God does not live on past glory, He wants everyone to know that is the one true God. And how did it happen?, There must be a manifestation of his power in us, so that people around to see what he does with those who seek it.
In need any difference between ordinary people and those who obey God.
In other words, will not convince someone to seek their God is worthwhile, only by miracles.
Furthermore, God wants to show his power through us, who He is Israel By putting a strong hand, until the king had to acknowledge that the God of Moses, the people of Israel, is the true God, for his gods God could do what it did.
Christ intended that the outcome of your faith is beyond question and nobody can say anything against his faith in his life to the results of their belief. If he is currently going through a terrible, is the ideal time to use the faith and show that the true God is their God and that He will fight for you.
You should not follow or believe in a god just by traditionalism, because it instilled in him, you must make intelligent faith, not blind.
"(...) And there was thick darkness over all the land of Egypt three days. None saw his neighbor, no one got up from his place for three days over the children of Israel had light in their rooms. "(Exodus 10:21)
Your life should speak for itself that seek God's worth. May your God is not plaster, clay, inanimate, but the Almighty.
God wants to make it shine, let everyone see that does not depend on someone to succeed, that faith in God and his decision will suffice. However, only reflect that those who rationalize this: if your God is great, his life, in all respects, should be thoroughly blessed. And only those who receive blessings great big sacrifice and obey Allah.

".... In the world you have tribulation, but take courage I have overcome the world"

John 16:33

The same price

It is a business, not a game, much less a trade. This is the realization of a living faith in the living God.
If we see the miracles experienced by the heroes of the faith of the past, at least pay the same price we paid for them.
How much? Renounced their own will to follow the impulses of faith that led to the fulfillment of God's promises of blessings.
Joshua and Caleb were delighted to see the Promised Land. The sinister vision of its inhabitants giants do not remove the conviction of victory, on the contrary.
Other partners in the mission, despite also being amazed by seeing two men carrying a huge bunch of grapes, size, wealth of the land, plus the difficulties felt blessings, for they were dismayed to see such a huge population.
But God is God, His Word can not fail. Whoever believes does not flee, because of that employs all his strength because he knows what the outcome of using faith.
Faith gives courage and fighting spirit to act to achieve the desired objective. The size of the faith as measured by the effort expended in an attitude, that is, faith is measured by sacrifice. If there is sacrifice, then there is faith.
That pleases God.
In fact, everyone can participate in the sacrificial faith, rich and poor, because each has its greatest.
The bigger the dream, the greater will be the sacrifice. If that is true with regard to the conquest of material goods and time, consider in relation to eternal things.

"No one is saved driven by feelings. Salvation requires attitude, action or realization of faith. That is value! "

Edir Macedo

Monday, May 9, 2011

How to stand

Life is an everyday task. One moment, a poor showing could make us falter or fall. How to ensure that despite everything we stand? Humanly speaking is difficult. What if God told him "I'll be with you "? Perhaps some in the background, do not look so transcendent, but God's help it draw strength from weakness.
Obviously, the person must strive to listen more to God and refuse to meet their thoughts or feelings of discouragement. We do that, we obey his voice and he does the rest. It is a team effort.
God said, "nobody will be able to resist every day of your life, as I was with Moses, will be with you, will not leave you nor forsake you. Be strong and courageous. "(Joshua 1:1-6) As you follow that advice and not shy away, even with the bigger picture gray defeat any problem, he will live his life fully and finally all be discovered on foot.

With this power, what is impossible?

Across the globe, it is obvious hunger for power that many individuals have. Aspire to be invincible, successful, admirable. Well, did you know that Christ promised to give us power?
That power is the Holy Spirit and surpasses any other that may be granted in this world. For shows, just look what he did with the apostles of Jesus. Before receiving the Spirit of God within him, the apostles were men cowardly, aggressive, impulsive ... However, once the power came over them, they became brave, confident, fearless, invincible. The book of Acts reveals that Power acting in such men, for example, in Chapter 4, verse 13 says, "they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained, are marveled, and they realized that they had been with Jesus. "And later, in the view-Sicilian 31, it mentions how the strengthened this power and gave the conditions to continue their struggle:" When they had prayed, the place where they were gathered shook, and all were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly. "
With your faith, you can get many blessings, but does not fit inside the Holy Spirit, when adverse situations arise not have the strength and wisdom to resolve them, and, like most, you become desperate and even complain to God.
The apostles were men studied, were not privileged or special, but to have within them the Spirit of God, were imposed on all the persecutions, slanders and attacks against him arose.
Maybe you despise him, he categorized as a failure or not satisfied to be like, but think: If the power that the apostles came into possession of his being, is there anything or anyone capable of preventing it from realizing what you want? what or who can destroy him if God dwells within you?
The Holy Spirit longs to look after him, make him happy and lead to the realization of their dreams. The decision to accept or reject that power is yours.

"But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit upon you (...)"
Acts 1:8

Have you forgotten?

Are you among those who believe that God is indifferent to pain and suffering of the human being "? Perhaps had this idea and perhaps it has been said to himself: If God loves me, why allow bad things happen to me?
Indeed, God loves His creatures, but people do not always seek. Before turning to the Lord Jesus tap a number of possibilities that do not solve their problems and only aggravate the situation.
Usually God is looking for when there is no alternative, touch
Your gateway as a last resort. People fail to realize that the Lord has given freedom and will always remain respectful of it: He will not act if, before you do not ask for His help.
In God's plans will never be provided to prove the idea of ​​a cruel way. His purposes are always focused on the welfare of those who seek Him.
If you want to experience His power and transform your life, just give yourself and give the chance to help. He has not forgotten nor will forget, because you are His greatest creation. 

 "Can a woman forget what gave birth, have no compassion on the son of her womb? If you forget it, I will never forget you. "

                                                                              (Isaiah 49:15)

Your choice

Despite how painful to imagine Christ giving his life for us, He said this event be a joyous occasion. Offered in sacrifice to keep us with Him long as we live according to His will, depending on Him, living in His love.
Obviously this joy is not so our sins but because they did not take the sacrifice, neither you nor I would be here with the opportunity for salvation right in front of us.
No action could erase our faults before God. He had said to the universe, angels and even to Satan, there are only two ways: either to love or not love God and who do not choose Him, or not knowing chose the paths used by Satan and he would have control over person.

They are glorious this time!, not for His sacrifice, our mistakes have condemned us to a troubled life and an eternity even worse. But the blood of Jesus who chooses pound. So search for this Holy Week and leave you and every area of your life from the clutches of the devil. Be really happy.

Why look among the living dead? Not here but risen. (Luke 24:5)