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Friday, August 12, 2011

Are you ignoring the most important?

One of the things I enjoy doing is helping people. I go to the streets with a group of volunteers who, like me, want people to find peace, joy, health, prosperity, and so on. Through God.

All this because we want you to realize that for every problem there is a solution if you trust in God.
We approach people to talk and guide them when they tell us the problems they have.

This work is very beautiful, I love it. Through it has been life changing for many people.

But this time I want to share something that happened recently, while doing this.
All before we get a prayer asking God to guide us towards people need to hear a word of encouragement. And usually it is, well, that day we arranged to talk with people.

One of my colleagues approached a person and began by telling her that if she had problems, God could help her, because God never abandons those who turn to Him wholeheartedly.
And they know that the person replied: "I DO NOT WANT TO TALK ABOUT THAT, I DO NOT HAVE TIME", and left.

I watched the scene and to hear your response, I was very disappointed.
My disappointment was not the fact that she kindly ignores words that said, my disappointment was caused to see that people do not care more for God.

When a person is, looking at her watch in her grief that cause your problems. It's as if they had a sign that read "NEED HELP".

In my opinion no one can give us a better help than God.
But He can´t do anything in the lives of people
who accept their problems as "normal," who believe that alone will do well, this is the life they live, that no one can help, that God forgot etc..

Every day I see more people ignore God, because they say they have no time, they are busy.
Interestingly they have time to work, study, family, friends, couples, walking, movies, chat, surf social networking, internet and much more.
In the end, Where is the time for God?

But if you ask them to those who ignore God, life is like; give you a long list of how miserable it is.
And they still wonder why God does not help me? Did not you see I'm suffering? Surely God nor there, because I never help? Etc.

But I ask: How much time do you dedicate to God? How many hours or minutes you give away your day? Do you make your Will or yours? Have you away from bad to please God? How often do you talk to thank you for everything you give, for life, for your family? In order to have you put God above everything else?
I leave it up to you the answers.

How can we expect God to help or answer if you do not take time?
We depend on Him to accomplish things and ours to lend a hand. It's mutual.

We must approach Him, as he says in his Word:
"And now, saith the Lord, Turn to me now with all your heart ..." (Joel 2:12)

Therefore we must turn to Him, accept Him as our Lord and Savior, as our strength, our priority, to love Him with our whole being.
He wants to give us a happy life, and help us all fulfill our dreams, but for that to happen, we must have the sincere desire to know and obey.

After reading this article, two things happen:

1. Take the same attitude of the person and say, "I do not care that topic, I have no time"
2 .- To reflect on what you described and accept that they may not have taken the time to God, but want to, want him to guide you, help and many more things that only He can bestow.

If you do the 2nd option.
I congratulate you. He begins to spend time with God talking with Him, reading the Bible, begins to make pleasing to your eyes.

Remember that God is waiting for a long time, he is not upset with you, the opposite is very happy that you decided to accept it.
He loves you and always will, let him be who guide your steps and you will come to life He has prepared for you.

You choose to ignore it or give it the time it deserves, the choice is yours, I already chose and do you?

"For the ways of the Lord are right, the just shall walk by them, the more the rebels will fall on them."
(Hosea 14:9)

God Bless.