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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Let it Dry

Mariana was very happy to win the gift of a tea set of blue. The next day, Julia, his girlfriend, came very early to invite her to play. Mariana could not go out with her mother since that morning.

Julia then asked Mariana to lend him his tea set for her to play alone in the garden of the building in which they lived.
She would not give his new gift but at the insistence of her friend decided to emphasize the care of the toy so special.

Upon returning from the trip, Mariana was shocked to see her tea set on the floor. Also missing some cups and the tray was broken.

Mariana crying and very upset with her mother vented mom what do you see Julia made me? I gave him my toy; she neglected and left everything on the floor.

Totally uncontrolled Mariana wanted to go to Julia's house to ask for explanations, but his mother affectionately said, "Daughter, do you remember that day when you left with your new white dress and a car splattered with mud spent? When you reach wanted house immediately wash your grandmother dressed but did not leave, do you remember what you said your grandmother? "
She said she had to let the mud dry, because then it would be easier to remove.

That's daughter, anger is the same, let dry first anger, and then it is much easier to solve everything.
Mariana did not understand very well, but decided to follow the advice of his mother and went to see the TV.

A while later rang the doorbell. It was Julia, with a box in his hands and without preamble said, "Mariana, remember the spoiled child of the other street, which often annoys us? He came to play with me and not let him because I thought you would not care tea set, but he became angry and destroyed the gift you've given me. When I told my mother she was worried I buy another just like for you. Hope you're not mad at me. It was not my fault! "

No problem said Mariana, my anger and dried!
And giving a hug to his friend took her hand and led her to her room to tell the story of the new dress she had been soiled with mud.

Never feel anger reactions while. Anger blinds us and prevents us from seeing things as they really are. This will avoid committing injustices and earn the respect of others for your position correctly measured and compared to a difficult situation.

Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry, for anger rests in the bosom of fools.(Ecclesiastes 7:9)

Be angry and sin not: let not the sun go down on your wrath, nor give place to the devil. (Ephesians 4:26-27)

Always keep in mind: Leave the rage to dry ...

God bless you abundantly.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Many people have gone through several tribulations and suffered persecutions in their own homes, at school, work and everything because of their Faith. 

They have not chosen to follow the flow this world follows and because of that they have been victims of nasty jokes, laughter and even verbal attacks.

How many times have you heard: “There goes that fanatic! Why don’t you go to nightclubs? There is nothing wrong in going; You’re still a virgin? What century do you live in? Don’t be a afraid, it’s just a small lie, it’s not going to hurt anyone, your mom will never know;
You’ve never had a boyfriend? Enjoy your life, it’s your youth, you’re dumb!”

My friends don’t be afraid to be different, assume your faith and don’t be influenced.
You must be strong and firm, if you’re not then you will always be a puppet the devil utilizes. Don’t allow yourself to be intimidated, don’t be afraid to be excluded from your group of friends or criticized because you don’t do what the rest of the world does, your reward will be bigger than you can imagine, literally.

Don’t forget that those who persecute you are still searching for happiness, and so they turn to drugs, drinking, boyfriends, nightclubs, and live a crazy life. But you don’t need any of those things, because you’ve found true happiness in Jesus.

“The world would love you as one of its own if you belonged to it, but you are no longer part of the world. I chose you to come out of the world, so it hates you. “ John 15:19

“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Who controls your life?

Sometimes we go through situations we did not expect or our plans changed at any moment.
When this happens, we always follow a totally opposite to the one imagined.
These changes make us leave our comfort and take the road toward what we want but in an unknown direction.

Always pretend that everything goes as planned. And when this does not happen, the question arises: Why? Why did God let this happen to me?.

All we decided to follow Jesus; we give our life to Him, to have control of it and what it does. Leads us to a happy life but to reach it have to go through things that do not understand.

Sometimes we think that everything that happens to us, we only bring bad things, but we must not forget that beyond what we believe there is One who has controlled our lives and that every situation that we apply something to teach us in our daily live, each circumstance will make us stronger, make us think before we act, we will 100% dependent on God, we will rely more on Him, we will be grateful to him, strengthen our faith, to make us more loving Lord Jesus, and much more will they learn.

Sure at the moment, we do not think that, just see our problems as giants and forget that God is much bigger than any problem and he remains faithful and just to help us as long as you leave act.
After a while we reflect and see that everything that happened left learning that we can now see more clearly.

Some time ago I went through an unexpected situation and I was very surprised, when I was sad, but God is so loving that spoke to me and said, "Everything I do is for a purpose but do not see it yet, the final result is really the best, do not be discouraged I am with you, move on me by your side, I fought with you, do not deviate from my path and got here. I'm shaping your future, trust me, is what I do and never do anything to hurt you, on the contrary will be a wonderful thing than you imagine. "

After that, when I do not expect things happen, I remember his words, I cling to Him and always manage to get ahead, if you believe that what is wrong with you now, let me remind you that you gave your life to a wonderful God rather than make you suffer (as many think) wants to make you very happy, and you know why? Because He is your Father and you are his Son
, and would never do something that will hurt them, he alone will do wonders in your life. Only trust Him, obey it, accept the help He gives you, take your hand and never let go of it. Rest assured that if you do that your victory is sure.

Look at the beautiful words that He has left for you:
"For I know the plans I have for you, said the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you an expected end." (Jeremiah 29:11)

Keep them in your heart and move that God is with you and everything you can through Christ who strengthens you.

God Bless you.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Remember the duck?

During the holidays, two siblings went to visit their grandparents, who lived in the countryside.

The boy made a slingshot to play in the woods. He was always practicing, but never hit the target.

One afternoon, he saw Grandma's pet duck.
Without thinking, he grabbed his slingshot, aimed at the duck and shot him in the head, killing him instantaneously. He was shocked and very sad! He began panicking and decided to hide the dead duck in the woods.

His sister, Beatrice, saw everything but didn’t say anything to their grandparents.

The next day, after lunch, the grandmother said:
- Beatrice, let’s wash the dishes.

But, she said:
- Grandma, Philip told me he wanted help in the kitchen.

She looked over at him and whispered:
- Remember the duck? – So, Philip washed the dishes.

Later that day, Grandpa asked if the children would like to go fishing, but Grandma said:
- I’m sorry, but I need Beatrice to help me make dinner.

Beatrice smiled and said:
- Okay, but Philip said he wanted to help today too.

She looked over at him and whispered:
- Remember the duck?

So, Beatrice went fishing and Philip stayed to help.

After several days, Philip was still doing all of Beatrice’s chores, until he finally could not bear it anymore. He confessed that he killed the duck to his grandmother.

His Grandma hugged him and said:
- Sweetheart, I know ... I was at the window and saw everything, but because I love you, I have forgiven you. I was just waiting to see how long you were going to let Beatrice boss you around!

Whatever happened in your past, whether it had to do with lies, deceit, bad habits, defilements, whatever it may be, you need to know that God was at the window and saw it all happen.

He knows your life and He wants you to know that He loves you and that you're forgiven.

He's just wondering how much longer you’re going to let the devil boss you around.

God is just waiting for you to ask Him for forgiveness because not only does He forgive, but He also forgets.
The price you must pay is to have faith that God will forgive you.
Go ahead, start making a difference and remember: God is at the window and He knows everything!
God's will won’t be revealed to you unless you act by faith.

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9)